=N= 12 per word- * Correct spellings
- * Use appropriate punctuation
- * Correct syntax errors
- * Fix layout and formatting errors such as: page numbering, columns, inconsistency with headings, bad line/page break, arrange tables
- * Fix alignment of margins, bulleted lists
- * Ensure correct spellings of captions on photos and illustrations
- * Ensure that date and day of week mentioned in text tally
- * Double check spellings in headlines
=N= 15 per word- * Rephrase poorly constructed sentences
- * Correct spellings
- * Use appropriate punctuation
- * Correct syntax errors
- * Ensure technical consistency in spelling, capitalization, font usage, numerals, hyphenation, British/American spelling
- * Query inconsistency errors and loose ends in fiction-based texts
- * Check for factually incorrect statements, and ensure names and dates are correct in non-fiction manuscripts such as historical pieces and memoirs
- * Query inconsistency within a fictional story, such as in character description, plot and setting
- * Ensure consistency in style
CV WRITING (Regular)
=N=5000 per revision- * Create a résumé based on information provided by client
- * Format curriculum vitae
- * Give 1 soft copy to client
=N=5000 per letter- * Research on the prospective company
- * Write well-tailored cover letter
- * Give 1 soft copy to client
=N=7000 per revision- * Create a V.I.P. résumé based on information provided by client
- * Special formatting of résumé
- * Give 1 soft copy to client
- * Second revision where necessary