10 Ways to Improve your Writing Skills

Writing is a craft. Just like any other craft, you should continuously improve your writing skills. Here are 10 ways to improve your writing skills.


To have any content or ideas for content, you have to read. Reading opens your eyes and mind to the world of others that might be similar or somewhat different from yours. Reading also shows you how people piece words together to form beautiful sentences that convey meaning, paint a picture, express emotions or describe things that are happening. 

While admiring the fluency with which other writers tell their stories, you can also learn from such writers.


To become a better writer, you have to write. You will never know how good your writing is until you put it down on paper and or screen. Putting down your ideas in written form will reveal your strengths and weaknesses. 

You would be able to critique your work or have someone else critique it for you. Remember that without criticism, there is little or no growth. So, take criticisms with an open mind. They are likely to point out areas where you need to improve your writing skills.

Be open to learning.

Always be willing to learn something new. Also, be willing to unlearn something familiar. Sometimes, you might think you know something, only to realize that you were misinformed. Be willing to practically unlearn the wrong stuff and replace the wrong information with the right information. 

As more studies are carried out in various fields, theories are disproved or updated. If you want to improve not just your writing skills but also your knowledge, it is important to learn, relearn and unlearn.

Always write in longhand.

Longhand is a type of writing that involves spelling words fully, as opposed to using abbreviations. One of the fastest ways to forget how to spell words correctly is by constantly writing in abbreviations and shorthand. While shorthand may be useful in situations like minute-taking, it is best to avoid them. 

Stick to writing plainly and in full, as this will over time save you from bad spelling or poor writing skills. The secret is to always write as if you were going to publish your work. Always be deliberate about writing well, in order to improve your writing skills.

Speak correctly.

The way you speak influences the way you write. Writing is basically speech on paper. Although people tend to be more formal in writing than when they are speaking with their peers, the quality of your communication skills reflects in both mediums of communication. If you speak correctly, using the right tenses etc., you are more likely to write correctly. Don’t forget that the aim is to not just improve your writing skills but also improve your overall communication skills.

improve your writing skills

Be careful of what you read.

Even though you are advised to read, you have to be careful of what you read. Be selective of the content that you consume. Read only books that are well-edited by professional editors, such as My Sharp Pen Editing Services. Poorly-edited books could be counterproductive to your desired aim of becoming a better writer, with improved writing skills.

Use the dictionary.

The dictionary is a very useful tool for writers, irrespective of genre, subject matter or level of experience or expertise. The dictionary provides the right spelling of words and their meanings. It also provides information on the origin of words, contexts in which words can be used, and examples of the words as they are used in sentences.

Clearly, a dictionary is a necessary tool for every writer. To improve your writing skills, get a couple of dictionaries, preferably those with various variations of the languages, such as UK English, US English, Canadian English etc.

Watch high-quality movies.

Have you noticed that you pick up new vocabulary from watching movies? There are phrases that you come across for the very first time, when watching a movie. You then memorize them and make them a part of your vocabulary. When you write, you will realize that words that have seeped into your mind come forth in your writing. 

Sometimes, you may not realize that you knew such words, because you never had reason to say them. However, writing requires that you dig deep into the recesses of your mind and call forth all the words that you need to create your essay. As a result, those thitherto dormant words come to play.

In addition to learning new words when you hear them in movies, you would learn much more from movie subtitles, especially if they are properly transcribed.  This will also improve your writing skills significantly.

Interact with other writers.

Iron sharpens iron. A brilliant mind sparks the intelligence of another brilliant mind. When you make friends with computer gurus, you are likely to develop an interest in computers. The same applies to interacting with creatives like yourself. Your writing juices would likely keep flowing when you are around masters of the written word. So, to improve your writing skills, mingle with fellow writers.

Take writing classes to improve your writing skills.

To be an expert at anything, you should undergo training. To improve your writing skills, take writing classes. One class is usually not enough. Take several classes regularly too. Styles of writing change every day and some of the rules of the language are adapting to changes in the way people communicate today, around the world. 

Therefore, you should stay updated on the language trends and new rules. What better way to do this than to take writing classes regularly?

Writing is a skill worth having and honing. To be a phenomenal writer, you have to consistently improve your writing skills. We hope these tips help you improve your writing.

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