Just like any other craft, writing is best achieved with certain tools. You could call these tools ‘tools of the craft’ or ‘tools of the trade’. There are some tools every writer needs, in order for writing to be smooth and of high quality. Here are some of them.
A Dictionary
A dictionary or a collection of dictionaries are important tools every writer needs. Dictionaries contain so many tiny details that writers would find useful. They spell words and provide various meanings of the words.
You could find examples of sentences where such words are used, as well as the context in which they are used. Dictionaries also provide synonyms and antonyms of words.
A dictionary is very valuable to writers because it helps them confirm the meaning of words, as well as the situations in which they can be used. If you are not sure of the meaning of a word or the correct spelling, consult your dictionary.
Also, if you are writing for a particular audience in a particular country or region, such as Canada, USA, UK or Australia, check your dictionary to know their variation of spellings.
The dictionary is not just useful for writing, it also comes in handy for speaking, as it provides the transcription of words.
A Thesaurus
A thesaurus is also one of the useful tools every writer needs. A thesaurus gives the synonyms and antonyms of words. Thesauruses are not detailed like dictionaries. They are concise.
A thesaurus comes in handy when you need to find another word that conveys the same meaning of a word you had earlier used.
So, instead of repeating a word too many times in a text, you simply use a synonym of that word.
A synonym helps you continue discussing the keyword without becoming monotonous or boring your readers.
Hard copy and soft copy thesauruses help writers write better, and are tools every writer needs.
Word Applications
Word Applications like Microsoft Word and Google Docs are not only useful to writers, but they are tools every writer needs. These applications help you type out your ideas straight as they come or after writing them on paper.
Typing your document takes it a step closer to posting or publishing. It also gives you an insight into what the final output would look like.
One other use of the word application tool is that it saves you the stress of carrying paper about. It also helps you make as many copies of your document as you like, with little effort. Plus, you could save it on the cloud and access it from anywhere in the world.
A Notepad
A notepad is a word application with fewer features than a regular word application like Microsoft Word. For instance, a notepad does not have formatting features. This writing tool is great for taking down ideas quickly.
Usually, the notepad version of a document is the first draft. A final draft would have to be done on a full word application, where you can format it as necessary.
A notepad is basically a jotter application; the software version of your paper and pen.
Notepad applications are useful tools every writer needs.
Paper and Pen
The good old paper and pen are still useful tools every writer needs, even today. An idea could come up at a time when your phone or laptop is unavailable. What better way to put down that idea before it flies away, than to quickly write it down on paper?
Even though our world is tilted towards electronic gadgets and the internet, this offline tool never goes out of style.
An Editor
An editor is not a tool, but the application of the skills of an editor is indispensable to a writer.
The eagle-eyed scrutiny plus the unbiased corrections of an editor is a necessary tool that every writer needs to ensure a flawless masterpiece.
An editor sees and corrects mistakes that you may have overlooked in your writing.
As long as you intend to share your writing with the world, or at least a portion of the world, you need to ensure it is free of spelling mistakes and other errors that could make your book or document come off as ‘not worth reading’.
You should get professional editors like us at My Sharp Pen Editing Services to pore through your writing and make it a good read.
The skills and expertise of a professional editor are tools every writer needs to make documents excellent.
Every craft has its own set of tools that all practitioners need to use, in order to be successful at the craft. Writers have tools that make their writing flawless and easy to read.
Readers appreciate a well-written document, and these tools help you become a successful writer.
Get yourself these tools every writer needs and get writing.
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