6 Advantages of Reading

Reading is defined as the process of understanding a written text. Reading is one of the best ways to garner information. There are so many advantages of reading. Here are some of them:

Reading Exposes you to the Mindset of others.

A written work is a reflection of the mindset of its author. It tells to some extent what the writer thinks about one or more topics. So, by reading a text or book, you are taking a peek into the mind’s eye of the author. By extension, when you read several books, you get a glimpse into the mind of various writers. The essence of getting a glimpse into the mind of others is to see things from a different perspective and enrich your worldview.

It Helps you Understand the Perspective of others.

One of the ways to prevent and resolve conflicts is by understanding the perspective of others. Conflict arises from not understanding the angle or perspective of the other party. People are diverse and have diverse ways of looking at the world. Everyone operates from his or her worldview. As a result of the divergence in world views, perspectives, personal history and experiences, it is easy for conflict to arise.

However, reading reveals the different opinions and understanding of different people from different walks of life. So, the more you read and the more varied your subject matters and authors are, the higher your chances of understanding other people’s points of view. The more you understand various points of view, the less likely you are to get into unresolved or unresolvable conflicts.

Reading Takes your Mind on a Journey.

The one way to travel without leaving your home is by reading a book. Plots are set in different places all over the world as well as at different times. You could pay a visit to Taiwan and see the ancient homes and historical landmarks, plus you could ‘make’ a few friends, right within a book. In addition to what we can term ‘mental teleportation’, you would also learn about different cultures and people through reading.


Reading Increases Knowledge.

Knowledge is defined as having information, ideas, facts, principles or truths. Reading provides insight into different ideas. Writers share their principles and theories on topics dear to their hearts. They also share their practical steps, outcomes, and experiences. Some writers also gather and relay information from different sources, thus producing rich works that educate, inform, entertain and build the knowledge base of their readers. Availing yourself of such rich sources of information is a great way to become more knowledgeable.    

Reading Relieves Stress.

Reading is known to relieve stress. It involves paying full attention and it stimulates the imagination. Fiction, particularly, draws you in and captures your mind completely. Thus, you pay no attention to anything else. Studying a text keeps you focused, and this act of being focused on one activity is known to relieve stress.    

Reading Develops your Thinking Skills.

Reading is thinking. The only way to understand or make sense of the content of any book is to think as you are studying it. Otherwise, you would just be flipping pages aimlessly. So, as you read, you think. You reflect on the words, ideas, settings, characters, theories, steps and results communicated in each book you read.

Thinking, which is a prerequisite for and a simultaneous activity with reading, has several benefits. Thinking builds the problem-solving part of one’s brain. It fosters creativity and enhances curiosity which leads to inventions and discoveries. Being able to think for oneself gives one a level of independence and builds up self-confidence.

A thinker is more able to deal with everyday challenges than a non-thinker. Thinking helps one look critically at a problem and come up with ways to resolve it, using solutions that may not be readily available, unless one digs deep into the recesses of one’s mind. All these many benefits and more come from thinking with a mind informed by reading and other methods of mental development.

There is so much content for one to read in today’s technology-driven world. Reading equips you with many tools that prepare you and guide you through life and its ups and downs. Remember that to be a leader, you have to be a reader.

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