Tips for Choosing the Right Job for You

There are so many kinds of jobs across various industries. Different positions call for different kinds of people with different skills and qualifications. So, how do you know which role is best for you, given your personality and your qualifications? Here are 9 tips for choosing the right job for you.

What Are your Long-term Plans?

Before you apply for any job, you should have a plan. This will help you when choosing the right job.

You need to know what your personal goals are and what plans you have set in motion to attain those goals. You also need to look at the specifics of any job you want to apply for and how that job will help you achieve those personal goals.

Putting your long-term goals into consideration will help you ensure that your job does not derail you from your dreams, but actually fosters them.

What Industry Are you Applying to?

Another factor in choosing the right job is understanding the industry you are applying to. Find out what general rules guide the industry you are about to join, even though you will be applying to specific companies within an industry (or several industries, depending on your qualifications). For instance, if you are venturing into tech, your work will likely be indoors, behind a computer.

On the other hand, if you are a journalist, you would be in the field interviewing people and gathering information for your report most of the time. Having knowledge of the modus operandi of the industry you are joining helps you choose what job to apply for, depending on the work situation that is best for you.

Furthermore, you should consider if you are applying for a job in the same industry you have worked in over the years or are venturing into an entirely new industry. Working in your industry means that you are going to be doing something familiar that you are already good at it.

Joining a different industry means that you are a newbie and you will have to learn the ropes. This information helps you decide what skills you will acquire to have a head start on the job or what skills you need a refresher course on.

What Kind of Job Is it?

Before you join any company, find out what the role entails and what it requires. Take extra care to read the requirements advertised, and ask the right questions during the interview.

Make sure that it is a task you are adequately prepared to do. It is better to understand the full extent of a job (or at least a huge part of it) before you accept it than to sign up for responsibilities you cannot deliver on. This will help you stick to your decision when choosing the right job. 

Do you Like the Job?

In addition to understanding the requirements for the position you are applying for, you should also consider if it is a job you like. Your liking or disliking a particular role may seem like an irrelevant criterion for deciding which position is best for you.

However, liking a task fuels your passion for doing it, especially over and over again.

Passion is what will keep you going when the routine of the task becomes boring. If you lack passion for the day-to-day workings of your role, you are likely to become disheartened or lose interest in the position.

Staying on a job just because it pays your bills can be soul-crushing. You must have a genuine passion for a job to excel at it and get to the top of your industry.

choosing the right job

Does the Job Offer Capacity Building?

Capacity building is another factor you have to consider before you conclude that a position is perfect for you. On-the-job training is important because it helps you develop your mind and acquire skills while on the job.

Look out for companies that prioritize the training of staff and building the capacity of their workforce. Companies that regularly train their staff on various skills should be at the top of your list.

Where Is the Company Located?

Location, location, location. Location is also a major factor in deciding whether to take up a new role or not. Still putting into cognizance your long-term plan, ask yourself if the location of the prospective job is one where you want to live. This is more so when the job is an on-site or office role.

If the company is in a neighboring town, ask yourself whether you would commute daily or if you will have to move to that town. If the role is on-site, and you do not want to relocate, nor can you commute to work daily, there is no need to apply for a job in that location.

What is the Company Culture?

In choosing the right job, consider company culture. Company culture says a lot about a company and its values. Different companies have different sets of values. In order to know which fits your personality or set goals, you have to study each company’s culture.

Online reviews by past and present employees can give you an insight into how the company treats its staff. Take both the negative and positive reviews into consideration before deciding whether to proceed with the company.

Find out if the company values hard work over nepotism. Also, find out how often people get promoted and if promotions are merit-based. Remember that while a company can create its brand, its public image still provides a clue into how well the company is doing.

How Much Is the Remuneration?

For many job seekers, salary is the primary factor that determines whether they go for a role or not. However, the financial package of a role should not be the only factor in deciding if you should take a job. In addition to the salary, there are other kinds of remuneration to consider.

Examples are: company shares, pension, healthcare schemes, paid leave etc. While some companies have a rich remuneration package, some others do not have any other form of remuneration besides the salary. Therefore, it is essential that you know what a company’s remuneration package is made up of, before taking the leap.

Is the Company Growing?

Before you join an organization, do an assessment to know if the organization is growing. Look out for the turnover rate and recruitment rate. You can also find out how much profit a company has made in the past few years. Look out for whether a company is acquiring new branches or absorbing smaller companies.

Also, observe whether your prospective employer has just merged with or become absorbed by another company. All these will show you whether the organization is growing or not.

They will also give you an indication of the direction the business is heading in the future. You would not want to join a company, only to be out of work soon after, because the company has folded up.

Just like companies have certain criteria for determining who fits into certain roles, job applicants also need to have certain measures for determining which job to apply to and which to ignore. For an effective job-to-applicant match, you should apply for jobs strategically.

Don’t apply randomly for just any position, if you want to build an impressive career. Your career should be part of your life’s plans. Always have your long-term plan in mind when choosing a job. We hope this article has provided insight on how to choose the right job for you.

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