Idea for Your Next Book

Are you staring at a blank screen with no idea for your next book? Ideas can be fleeting when you need them most. They have a way of evading you when you want to call them to mind. Funny enough, ideas come to you abundantly when you are not trying to come up with something brilliant. We have seven interesting ideas for your next book. They may just help you start writing right away.

Write About a Lost Loved One

Writing about a deceased loved one is an idea for your next book. People usually avoid writing about a deceased loved one because it causes pent-up grief to come to the surface. However, writing the story of a late friend or family member can be therapeutic. It can also serve as memorabilia.  

When writing this book, you will definitely think back on things that your loved one used to do, her catchphrases, jokes she cracked, how she smiled, her love for colours, etc. You would remember some of the things that made your loved one unique and unforgettable.

Before you choose the life of your loved one as the idea for your next book, beware that this is a sentimental piece that would lead to a myriad of emotions.

It is likely going to be a unique story, as it will be a biography. You could also transform your story into a movie, some time in the future.

Write About a Bad Experience

Nobody likes to recall bad experiences. Nevertheless, a bad experience could be a good idea for your next book. Writing about an unpleasant experience could help you get over the event. It might also reveal the upside of the then-bad event which may have been a blessing in disguise, now that time has unraveled some things.

Sharing your experience with your readers could also help them learn something new pr avoid making the same mistakes you made. As for those who have suffered a similar fate, your book would show them that we all make mistakes and they are not alone.

A book about your bitter experiences could encourage people to not give up during the stormy days, but to trust that there will be clear skies again.   

Write About an Awesome Experience

Good experiences also make great ideas for your next book. You could write about one incident or experience that has remained evergreen in your mind. It could be how you made your first million, how you met your spouse, your first travel overseas, etc.

Include all the necessary details that will make your story interesting. Vulnerability is a useful tool in writing about this kind of subject matter. Be explicit about how you felt, where you went, how the place looked, how sunny the day was, the inquisitiveness of the lady sitting across the aisle, etc. Vivid descriptions will help your audience share in your joy and excitement, as to be able to attest that the experience was indeed remarkably awesome.

ideas for your next book

Write About a Political Era

One unfailing way of getting an idea for your next book is by observing events around you. Things happening around you, especially far-reaching ones like government-enacted decrees and policies, can serve as ideas for your next book. Government policies can change in the twinkle of an eye, and what was acceptable last night may not be this morning. It is therefore important for someone to keep records of such policies and how they affect people. You could be that someone.

In order to write a priceless book, you have to gather information from reliable sources. Interview policymakers and other stakeholders.  Quotes, pictures, newspaper extracts, snippets, dates and times would be very valuable when writing this book. Details are crucial when writing historical books.

Take note that such books take a long time to compile because the events that make up the subject matter are happening in real life. You have to wait for certain events to unfold, so you do not record only half of them, thus having incomplete information. These kinds of books capture a capsule of time in history and must be accurately documented.     

Historical books like this are valuable assets to the people of any country, especially future generations. A book on historical events could generate a lot of money over time, especially as the work grows older and becomes a reference point for students, successive governments, citizens and historians.

Write About Practical Tips

Practical tips on a certain subject could become the focus of your next book. Practical tips, also called ‘how to’, are easy-to-use guides that provide step-by-step instructions on how to do something. For example, you could write a book on how to bake a cake or how to find out the many hidden features of your phone, etc.

Even though books and articles on practical steps are very common, it is still a good idea for your next book. How-to books appear to be a rehash of the same thing or an echo of one another at times. So, in order to make your book stand out, you have to provide unique suggestions. Practice the process you want to write about and come up with new ways of achieving the said goal.

To effectively communicate the step-by-step process, use simple words that anyone can understand. Include pictures that clearly show what you are describing.

Write About an Imagination

Imagination or make-believe also serves as a great idea for your next book. Imaginative writing is also known as “fiction writing.” When you write fiction, you make up a scenario in your mind and create characters that will act out the scenario. Imagine how they would communicate with each other. Think up where they will go and who they will meet. Let all these events, although fictitious, come together to form a logical ending that can happen in real life.

The amazing thing about writing fiction is that you can create anything and anyone. There are no holds barred. You can blend fiction with bits of reality. You also have the creative license to write a story about something that happened and give it a better ending or one entirely different from the real-life ending. You make the rules in your story.  

Write About a Journey

Have you ever heard of a travelogue? It is a story about one’s travels. That is a good idea for your next book. You could write about your first time visiting a particular country. The story can begin with how you reached a decision to travel to that country. You could narrate how you prepared for the journey, how you booked your flight, the air turbulence, the food of the locals, the language barrier, the change of weather, etc.

This story may help you relive your time in that country. It could also inspire you to travel more. A travelogue could serve as a mini guide to people who want to travel to the country you visited or similar places. Bear that in mind when writing your travelogue. Names of places, descriptions and pictures would make your content richer. If you are well-travelled, each trip could become a story idea for your next book and so on.

We have provided you with seven great ideas for your next book. Any of the ideas is a great place to start. What are you waiting for? Get writing. Before you know it, you will have written a full book. Have a great time writing.

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