11 Tips for a Successful Job Interview

A job interview is a step towards landing a job. It is one of the many processes for getting a job. Having a smooth job interview is therefore important to any job applicant. Here are tips that could help you have a successful job interview:

Read up on the Company.   

Before you attend any job interview, it is essential to read, understand and possibly memorize the history of the company. You should also take note of the vision, mission and values of the company. This knowledge will give you some insight into how the company is run.

For instance, if you know the staff strength, it could inform you on whether your duties may be fixed, or so flexible that they ought to be done by 3 staffers, and in different departments nonetheless. This information will also tell you if the organization is a start-up or a company that has been running and possibly has shareholders.

Read up on the Industry the Company Belongs to.

It is also important to know the sector that your prospective employer belongs in, before you set out for a job interview. Observe changes that are taking place in that industry. This knowledge could give you a hint on how well the industry pays for a similar position to that which you applied for. It could further show you if the industry is dying or booming.

Dress the Part.

When going for a job interview, dress the part. Corporate, well-ironed clothes are the conventional attire for interviews, all over the world. Obey this convention. Interview halls or virtual meetings are not the place to show your fashion-savvy side, and neither are they the right place for testing overly bright colours that make you stand out like a sore thumb. 

It is advised that you stick to the conventional black, dark blue and brown. Some experts advise that you could wear a shirt that matches the company’s colours, to show that you are willing to be a part of the team.

We also recommend that you arrange options of clothes to wear, so that you can quickly wear another set of clothes, if something goes wrong with the first. For a professional look, match your shoes and belts.

Bonus tip: try on the clothes you intend to wear on the day of the interview, and see how you look in them. If any of the clothes needs to be washed and/or stitched, wash and/or stitch it early enough. Iron all the clothes; both the first option and all the other options.

Arrange your Documents.

Days before a job interview, go through all the necessary documents that you would need at the job interview.  This would include your CV, your cover letter for that application, your certificates and other important documents. Make clean photocopies of the necessary documents and arrange them properly. 

The necessary documents should be at the very top of your file, while other documents should be at the bottom. You could also have a separate office file, just for those important documents. Don’t forget to take your documents with you on the D-day.

job interview

Practice Answering Questions.

The best way to prepare for an oral interview is to practice answering questions in front of a mirror. Write down questions you think you are likely to be asked. Come up with great answers for those questions, and practice answering them in front of a mirror. 

Practice sitting confidently, walking confidently and answering questions fluently and brilliantly. Indeed, practice makes perfect, even when it comes to job interviews.

Watch what you Eat.

Just like on the night before or the day of any big event, you should be very careful of what you eat and drink, before and on the day of your job interview. Your aim should be to be healthy and comfortable enough to wait for your turn and go through the interview in a great state of mind and body.

Avoid fizzy drinks that can make you bloated. Stay away from coffee if it makes you restless. Peppery meals and other spicy foods should be avoided, days before and on the day of the job interview. 

Bonus tip: Avoid anything that triggers your allergies or ailments, such as extreme cold, extreme heat, ulcer-inducing meals and habits, etc.

Go to Bed Early.

The excitement and anxiety of an upcoming job interview could keep you up at night, understandably. However, try your best to go to bed early, so you can get enough sleep. Inadequate sleep will leave you grumpy and sluggish—two things you don’t want to be when you are before an interviewer.

On the other hand, adequate rest is refreshing and helps you think clearly and remain mentally alert. In addition, going to bed early would also help you wake up early and prepare for your job interview early. It also gives you adequate time to switch to a plan B if an unforeseen situation comes up.

Take All that you Need.

Before you leave home for the venue of the interview, make sure you have all that is necessary for a job interview (such as your resumé and your credentials), as well as the registration slip or whatever the recruiters require as a form of identification or indication that you were invited for the interview. Furthermore, ensure that you are not just materially prepared, but mentally and physically prepared.

Get to the Venue Early.

Get to the venue of the interview early. This tip cannot be overemphasized. This gives you enough time to ensure that you have all that the recruiters require of you, and enough time to switch to a plan B if you have fallen short in some way.

Being early to a job interview also shows that you are time-conscious and you take the interview seriously. In some cases, it might also help you be one of the first to be interviewed, particularly if the attendees are called up to be interviewed, according to the attendance sheet. 

Whatever be the case, first impressions last long. Your tardiness or punctuality at a job interview might foretell the way you would approach that job if you get it.

Be Polite.

Politeness is a lifelong tool that helps build and regulate relationships and interactions with people. Just like politeness is important in your day-to-day activities, it is also important at job interviews. 

Mind your ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’ and other phrases that show good manners. Be polite to everyone, because you never know who is watching or who could influence the decision of whether you should be hired or not. Plus, it is always nice to be polite.

Turn on your Email Notifications.

Even though this is a post-interview tip, it is just as important as getting the interview right. Turn on your email notifications and other notifications on your phone, so that you are notified when your job offer email comes in. 

Keep an eye on your spam folder and promotions folder, as the email could slide in there unnoticed. As soon as you get the email, send a response to the company. Don’t forget that some runners-up get the job, when there is no response or a late response from the number one interviewee.

The job interview stage is an integral part of the job application process. Preparing well for an interview is therefore equally important. To have a successful job interview, proper preparation is essential. We hope you have found our tips helpful. Good luck with that job interview!

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